Gift from the Sea


Holidaying by the sea, and taking inspiration from the shells she finds on the seashore, Anne Morrow Lindbergh meditates on youth and age, love and marriage, peace, solitude and contentment. The mother of five children, an acclaimed writer and a pioneering aviator Lindbergh’s insights – into the trappings of the modern world that threaten to overwhelm us, the technology that complicates what it promises to simplify, the ever multiplying commitments that take us from our families – are perhaps even more true and relevant today than they were in the fifties.

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SKU: 9780701188627 Category:


Holidaying by the sea, and taking inspiration from the shells she finds on the seashore, Anne Morrow Lindbergh meditates on youth and age, love and marriage, peace, solitude and contentment. The mother of five children, an acclaimed writer and a pioneering aviator Lindbergh’s insights – into the trappings of the modern world that threaten to overwhelm us, the technology that complicates what it promises to simplify, the ever multiplying commitments that take us from our families – are perhaps even more true and relevant today than they were in the fifties.


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